Episode 74


Last Episode Recap:

Our story last left off with Sweet Justice encountering the Black Harold of the Grove and the last remaining Facet. The group tried to reason with the knight and convince them that allying with the Facet was not in their best interest. The Herald offered to let everyone else go unharmed if they would leave Vin behind. The Herald stated that Vin's mere existance is an offense to the balance of the world. After refusing the Herald's offer, Raun tried to approach the being. This sparked the beginning of the battle between them.

As the battle ensued, the visages of the previously vanquished Vinnposters appeared in the chamber. Vin learned that these visages could be swayed to her side granting her power. Ultimately the Facet's plans were crumbling before her very eyes as Sweet Justice vanquished the Black Herald of the Grove which caused an enormous oak tree to sprout from the floor in the underground ruins.

As the Facet realized her death was drawing near, she vowed to take Sweet Justice down with her. The fey creature cast earthquake in an attempt to bring the ruins down on top of them. Ultimately the group was able to defeat her. In that moment, Vin was wisked to the Feywild where she met her mother, Malestaria Inaraste Vinaya, also known as the Queen of Air and Darkness. She told Vin that the fey were done meddling in the mortal realm and were closing their gates immediately. Vin was able to convince her mother to let her help her friends for just a little longer  and to keep her friends safe. She was then transported back to her friends.

With her quick thinking, Vin was able to use her draconic spirit Sammy as well as a fly spell to save the party from certain death in the collapsing ruins. The gem emanating necrotic energy in the chamber was also buried in the rubble hundreds of feet underground. After leaving the ruins, Raun decided to put on the Mantle left behind by the Herald. By doing this, he was now a Herald of the Grove in service of the Oak Father. The group then finally made their way back to Gordek.


Out of Combat - Episode 74


Out of Combat - Episode 73